全部科目 > 数据库系统工程师 >
2021年上半年 上午试卷 综合知识
第 75 题
章/节 计算机专业英语  
When we talk about a database,we must differentiate between the database(71),which is the logical design of the database,and the database(72),which is a snapshot of the data in the database at a given instant in time.The concept of a relation corresponds to the programming-language notion of a variable,while the concept of a relation schema corresponds to the programming-language notion of type definition. In general,a relation schema consists of a list of(73)and their corresponding domains.The concept of a relation instance corresponds to the programming-language notion of a value of a(74).The value of a given variable may change with time; similarly the contents of a relation instance may change with time as the relation is updated.In contrast,the(75)оf a relation does not generally change.
  A.  table
  B.  schema
  C.  instance
  D.  view

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