全部科目 > 数据库系统工程师 >
2023年上半年 上午试卷 综合知识
第 71 题
(  )is a software package designed to store,retrieve,query and manage data User interfaces (Uls) allows data to be created,read,updated and deleted by authorized entities.The system users include database administrators (DBAs)application programmers and end usersMost of the time, (  ) are the only ones to directly interact with a system. They use (  ) to deal with database schemas and descriptions,of how the data should reside in the database.Thev use (  ) to deal with data manipulation which includes most common SQL statementssuch as SELECTINSERTUPDATE,DELETE,etc..They also focus on managing andmaintaining the (  ) of the database system:prevent unauthorized access to the data.
  A.  DB
  B.  DBMS
  C.  SQL
  D.  DDL


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