全部科目 > 电子商务设计师 >
2020年下半年 上午试卷 综合知识
第 74 题
章/节 专业英语  
In November 2017, we followed it up with “e-Conomy SEA Spotlight 2017-Un precedented growth for Southeast Asia's $50B(71)”.There, we highlighted some of the mostsig nificant industry trends, such ES the boom of e-commerce marketplaces and ride hailing servicesas wvell as the acceleration of(72)in the region. We also discussed the encouraging progress made by ecosystem players in addressing challenges that constrain the internet economy from reahing its full potential, such as the availability of homegrown tech talent, digital paymentsol ntions, last-mile(73), high-speed internet acess, and consumer trust.
Coping with thecontinuous development of Southeast Asia's internet economyecc system,"e-Conomy SEA 2018 - Southeast Asia's internet economy hits an inflection point"inc udes sectors of the internet economy not covered in our previous research, such as OnlineVac ation Rentals ((74)), Subscription Music & Video on Demand ((75)), and Online FoodDe ivery (Ride Hailing). These sectors have achieved substantial adoption among Southeast Asianusers, resulting in significant business size and growth.
  A.  Online educaticn
  B.  Online games
  C.  Online Travel
  D.  Offline Travel

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