全部科目 > 电子商务设计师 >
2021年上半年 上午试卷 综合知识
第 71 题
The rapid expansion of e-commerce is radically altering our society.More and more economic activities use the Internet and new (71) to do business or to purchase goods and services (72).These interactions and transactions can take place between (73),tusinesses and consumers. Of particular interest are the cross-border businessto-business(B2B) and business-to-consumer(B2C) transactions that look set to drastically reshape trade and business in Emerging Asia (Emerging Asia is comprised of the ten members ofthe Association of Southeast Asian Nations -Brunei Darussalam,Cambodia,Indonesia,Lao PDR,Malaysia, Myannar, the Philippines, Singapore,Thailand and Viet Nam-plus China and India).
Global cross-border e-commerce is increasingly important in the international econoiny. It has introduced new dynamics to (74).(75) business-to-business(B2B) e-commerce,for example, typically involves fewer intermediate links between sellers and buyers, but it places higher demands on services, especially information, payment and logistics.
  A.  IOT(Internet of Things)
  B.  ICT(Information and Communications Technology)
  C.  GPS(Global Positioning System)
  D.  GVCs(Global Value Chains)


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