全部科目 > 网络管理员 >
2015年下半年 上午试卷 综合知识
第 72 题
章/节 专业英语  
VPN connections allow users working at home or on the road to connect in a secure fashion to a (71) corporate server using the routing infrastructure provided by a public internetwork (such as the Internet). From the user's perspective, the VPN connection is a point-to-point connection between the user's computer and a corporate (72). The nature of the (73) internetwork is irrelevant to the user because it appears as if the data is being sent over a dedicated (74) link. VPN technology also allows a corporation to connect to branch offices or to other companies over a public internetwork, while maintaining secure (75). The VPN connection across the Internet logically operates as a wide area network link between the sites.
  A.  router
  B.  client
  C.  host
  D.  server

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