全部科目 > 网络管理员 >
2022年上半年 上午试卷 综合知识
第 72 题
The Internet of( 1)(IoT) describes physical objects that are embedded with Sensor,processing abilities,softwares,and other technologies that connect with other devices and systems over the ( 2) or other communication and exchange data networks .Over the past few years, IoT has become one of the most important technologies of the ( 3 ) centuryWe can connect objects to the Internet via embedded devices. By means of( 4) computing, the cloud, big data, and mobile technologies, physical things can share and collect data with minimal human intervention. Traditional fields of embedded systems,wireless ( 5) networks (WSNs),control systems,automation, independently and collectively enable IoT.
  A.  path
  B.  Internet
  C.  route
  D.  switch


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