全部科目 > 网络规划设计师 >
2010年下半年 上午试卷 综合知识
第 74 题
章/节 专业英语  
A Bluetooth device can be either a master or a slave and any of the devices within a(71)can be the master. There is only one master and there can be up to (72) active slave devices at a time within a single network. In addition, a device may be a standby slave or a parked slave. There can be up to (73) parked slaves. If there are already maximum number of active slaves, then a parked slave must wait until one of the active slaves switches to (74) mode before it can become active. Within a network, all (75) communications are prohibited.
  A.  master
  B.  standby slave
  C.  parked slave
  D.  active slave

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