全部科目 > 信息系统管理工程师 >
2013年上半年 上午试卷 综合知识
第 73 题
章/节 专业英语  
A management information system(71)the business managers the information that they need to make decisions. Early business computers were used for simple operations_such(72)tracking inventory, billing, sales, or payroll data, with little detail or structure. Over time, these computer applications became more complex, hardware storage capacities grew, and technologies improved for connecting previously(73)applications. As more data was stored and linked, managers sought greater abstraction as well as greater detail with the aim of creating significant management reports from the stored(74).Originally, the term "MIS" described applications providing managers with information about sales, inventories, and other data that would help in(75)the enterprise. Over time, the term broadened to include: decision support systems, resource management and human resource management,enterprise resouurce planning(ERP),enterprise performance management(EPM),supply chain management(SCM),customer relationship management(CRM), project management and database reteieval applications.
  A.  special
  B.  obvious
  C.  isolated
  D.  individual

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