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2015年上半年 上午试卷 综合知识
第 73 题
章/节 专业英语  
The term computer describes a device made up of a combination of electronic and electromechanical components. By itself, a computer has no ( 71 ) and is referred to as hardware, which means simply the physical equipment. The hardware can't be used until it is connected to other elements, all of which constitute the six parts of a computer-based information system, hardware, software, data/information, people, procedures and communications.
A system is defined as a collection of related components that ( 72 ) to perform a task in order to accomplish a goal. Any organization that uses information technology will have a computer-based information system to provide managers (and various categories of employees)with the appropriate kind of information to help them make decisions.
Systems analysis and design is to ascertain how a system works and then take steps to make it ( 73 ) Often, a system approach is used to define, describe, and solve a problem or to meet a(an)(74).
From time to time, organizations need to ( 75 ) their information systems, in, response to new marketing' opportunities, modified government regulations, the introduction .of new technology, merger with another company, or other developments. When change is needed, the time is ripe for applying the principles of systems analysis and design.
  A.  improved
  B.  better
  C.  good
  D.  best

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