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免费智能真题库 > 历年试卷 > 软件评测师 > 2012年下半年 软件评测师 上午试卷 综合知识
  章/节:   专业英语       

Computers will become more advanced and they will also become easier to use. Improved speed recognition will make the operation of a computer easier. Virtual reality (虚拟 现实),the technology of (71) with a computer using all of the human senses, will also contribute to better human and computer (72) • Other, exotic (奇异的)models of
computation are being developed, including biological computing that uses living organisms, molecular computing that uses molecules with particular (73) , and computing that uses DNA, the basic unit of heredity (遗传),to store data and carry out operations. These are examples of possible future computational platforms that, so far, are limited in abilities or are strictly (74) 。Scientists investigate them because of the physical limitations of miniaturizing circuits embedded in silicon. There are also (75) related to heat generated by even the tiniest of transistors.
  A.  developments
  B.  advantages
  C.  limitations
  D.  improvements
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  第72题    2009年上半年  
For nearly ten years, the Unified Modeling Language (UML) has been the industry standard for visualizing, specifying, co..
  第74题    2016年下半年  
Software entities are more complex for their size than perhaps any other human construct, because no two parts are alike..
  第71题    2016年下半年  
Software entities are more complex for their size than perhaps any other human construct, because no two parts are alike..
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第75题    在手机中做本题


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