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  章/节:   计算机专业英语       

The process whereby software is installed into an operational environment is called ” (74) ".
  A.  deployment
  B.  development
  C.  setup
  D.  lay up
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  第72题    2013年下半年  
A (72) translates a computer program written in a human-readable computer language into a form that a computer can execu..
  第71题    2013年下半年  
With respect to program variables, (71) means assigning a beginning value to a variable.
  第72题    2010年下半年  
C++ fully supports(72)programming,including the four properties:encapsulation,data hiding,inheritance,and polymorphism.
   题号导航      2013年下半年 程序员 上午试卷 综合知识   本试卷我的完整做题情况  
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