免费智能真题库 > 历年试卷 > 信息系统项目管理师 > 2022年下半年 信息系统项目管理师 上午试卷 综合知识
  章/节:   专业英语       

Project () includes making choices about: resource allocation,balancing competing demands, examining any alternative approaches, tailoring the processes to meet the project objectives and managing the interdependencies among the Project Management Knowledge Areas.?
  A.  schedule management
  B.  scope management
  C.  integration management
  D.  resource management

  第73题    2021年上半年  
Project Risk Managesent processes consist of the following elements.except:( )。
  第75题    2014年上半年  
Setting redundant componernts in subsystem to handle with the risks brought by the defaults of original components,what ..
  第74题    2022年上半年  
In project human resource management , ()is not a source of power for the project manager.
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