免费智能真题库 > 历年试卷 > 网络规划设计师 > 2011年下半年 网络规划设计师 上午试卷 综合知识
  知识点:   net
  章/节:   专业英语       

A glue that holds the whole Internet together is the network layer protocol, (71) . Unlike most older network layer protocols, it was designed from the beginning with internetworking in mind. Its job is to provide a (72) way to transport datagrams from source to destination, without regard to whether these machines are on the same network or whether there are other networks in between them.
Communication in the Internet works as follows. The (73) layer takes data streams and breaks them up into datagrams. Each datagram is transmitted through the Internet, possibly being fragmented into smaller units as it goes. When all the pieces finally get to the destination machine, they are reassembled by the (74) layer into the original datagram. This datagram is then handed to the transport layer, which inserts it into the receiving process’ input stream.
An IP datagram consists of a header part and a text part. The header has a (75) part and a variable length optional part.
  A.  IP (Internet Protocol) 
  B.  IP (Interworking Protocol)
  C.  TCP (Transport Control Protocol)
  D.  TCP (Transfer Communication Protocol)

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   · net
        .net view命令:显示由指定的计算机共享的域、计算机或资源的列表。
        .net share:用于管理共享资源,使网络用户可以使用某一服务器上的资源。
        .net use命令:用于将计算机与共享的资源相连接或断开,或者显示关于计算机连接的信息。
        .net start命令:用于启动服务,或显示已启动服务的列表。
        .net stop命令:用于停止正在运行的服务。
        .net user命令:可用来添加或修改计算机上的用户账户,或者显示用户账户的信息。
        .net config命令:显示正在运行的可配置服务,或显示和更改服务器服务或工作站服务的设置。
        .net send命令:用于将消息(可以是中文)发送到网络上的其他用户、计算机或者消息名称上。
        .net localgroup命令:用于添加、显示或修改本地组。
        .net accounts命令:可用来更新用户账户数据库、更改密码及所有账户的登录要求。
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第71题    在手机中做本题