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                Computer Components
               The essential components of a PC are the mainboard, processor and memory. The memory stores the computer program the processor is running and tile data the program needs. The mainboard is the printed circuit board that the processor and memory is mounted on. It connects the processor and memory together. Let's look at these in more detail. Remember, a computer can only work with numbers. The processor does all the calculations with the numbers, obeying the instructions in the computer program. The memory consists of tiny circuits called a memory cell. Each circuit can store a zero or a one. To make a byte of memory, you need eight of these circuits. So when you buy a 128 Meg memory strip (128 million bytes of memory), it contains 128,000, 000×8 memory cells that is, 1, 000, 000, 000 memory cells. Yet a 128 Meg memory strip is not much bigger than your finger!
               A memory strip actually contains other circuitry as well. This circuitry allows the processor to select which memory cell it wants to get data from, or to store data into. The processor can jump directly from the first memory cell to the last, then to a cell in the middle, or to anywhere else to get or store data. That's why this kind of computer memory is called Random Access Memory, or RAM for short. RAM needs electricity to be able to remember data. When you switch off your computer, all the data stored in RAM is lost. For this reason, computers need some kind of permanent storage. That's why computers have disk drives. Computer people call disk drives, magnetic tape, CDs, DVDs and so on secondary storage.
               The mainboard connects all the components of the computer together. It has electrically conducting tracks which allows electricity to flow from one component to another. For example,from the processor to the RAM.
               A computer takes some kind of input, processes it in some way, then outputs the result. For example, you scan a picture into your PC. This is the input. You then modify the graphic — you adjust the color balance, the contrast and the brightness. This is the processing. Finally, you print the graphic. This is the output.
               一台PC的主要部件有主板、处理器和存储器。存储器存储处理器正在运行的计算机程序和程序所需的数据。主板是一块印制电路板,处理器和存储器都安装在上面。它将处理器和存储器连接起来。现在就让我们来更详细地了解一下。记住,一台计算机只能处理数据。处理器遵循计算机程序中的指令对数据进行各种计算。存储器是由被称作存储单元的许多微电路组成的。每一个微电路能存储一个0或1。要构成一个字节容量的存储器,你需要8个这样的微电路。因此当你购买一块128 MB的内存条时,它包含了128 000 000×8个存储单元——也就是1 000 000 000个存储单元,然而一块128 MB的内存条还不如你的手指大。
               Introduction of Operating System
               The operating system controls the microprocessor—just at a slightly higher level than that control unit directs activities within the microprocessor. Every cycle of a computer's microprocessor is a resource for accomplishing tasks. Many activities compete for attention of your computer's microprocessor. Commands are arriving from programs that you're using, while input is arriving from the keyboard and mouse. At the same time, data must be sent to the display device or printer, and Web pages are arriving from your Internet connection. To manage all of these competing processes, your computer's operating system must ensure that each one receives its share of microprocessor cycles. Ideally, the operating system should be able to help the microprocessor switch tasks, so that, from the user's vantage point, everything seems to be happening at the same time.
               A microprocessor works with data and executes instructions that are stored in RAM—one of your computer's most important resources. When you want to run more than one program at a time, the operating system has to allocate specific areas of memory for each program. Whilemultiple programs are running, the OS must ensure that instructions and data from one area of memory don't"leak"into an area allocated to another program. If an OS falls down on the job and fails to protect each program's memory area, data can get corrupted, programs can"crash", and your computer will display error messages, such as"General Protection Fault".
               Every device that's connected to a computer is regarded as a resource. Your computer's operating system communicates with device driver software so that data can travel smoothly between the computer and these peripheral resources. If a peripheral device or driver is not performing correctly, the operating system makes a decision about what to do—usually it displays an on-screen message to warn you of the problem.
               A user interface can be defined as the combination of hardware and software that helps people and computers communicate with each other. Your computer's user interface includes the mouse and keyboard that accept your input and carry out your commands, as well as the display device that provides cues to help you use software, and displays error messages that alert you to problems. An operating system typically provides user interface tools, such as menus and toolbar buttons, which define the"look and feel"for all of its compatible software. Most computers today feature a graphical user interface. Sometimes abbreviated"GUI"and referred to as a"gooey", a graphical user interface provides a way to point and click a mouse to select menu options and manipulate graphical objects that are displayed on the screen.
               Database Technology on the Web
               Today's DBMS technology faces yet another challenge as researchers attempt to make sense of the immense amount of heterogeneous, fast-evolving data available on the Web. The large number of cooperating databases greatly complicates autonomy and heterogeneity issues and requires a careful scalable approach. We need better models and tools for describing data semantics and specifying metadata. Techniques for automatic data and metadata extraction and classification (ontologies, for example) are crucial for building tomorrow's Semantic Web. Query languages and query processing should also be extended to exploit semantic information.
               Users also need adaptive systems to help them explore the Web and discover interesting data sources and interfaces that support different query and search paradigms. Data dissemination techniques and notification services must be developed to enable effective data delivery services. Web-centric applications such as e-commerce and digital government applications pose stringent organizational, security, and performance requirements that far exceed what is now possible with traditional database techniques. Recent XML-native or extended DBMS still need to be fine-tuned and evaluated. Finally, we need new methodologies to support the design and development of data-intensive Web sites.
               Conception of Software Engineering
               In August 1996 about a dozen historians met with about a dozen computer scientists to discuss the history of software engineering. The term software engineering has been deliberately chosen as being provocative at the 1968 NATO Conference on Software Engineering. This notion was meant to imply that software manufacture should be based on the types of theoretical foundations and practical disciplines that are established in the traditional branches of engineering. This need was motivated by the so-called software crisis. Ever since, the debate whether such a crisis exists has continued within the software engineering community. It is a crucial question,because if the answer is yes, software engineering may not be called an engineering discipline yet. If the answer were no, the question would be, what is it that constitutes this discipline.
               It turned out at the seminar that there may or may not be a software crisis, but there is definitely what might be called an identity crisis. A strong indicator for this phenomenon is the fact that after more than 30 years computer scientists are investigating the history of other established branches of engineering to find out what should be done to turn software engineering into a sound engineering discipline. In this endeavor, historians were regarded to be some kind of universal problem solvers who were called in whenever a general answer to some fundamental question was needed.
               Of course, this could not work, because history is not a methodical vehicle to clarify ones own identity or to derive normative principles and guidelines for a discipline. Furthermore, there is only little historic knowledge in the field of software engineering as compared to the"History of Programming Languages", for instance, or the history of electronic calculating devices. Thus, a seminar on the"History of Software Engineering"can only act as a starting point, providing a first overview of what has been accomplished so far and identify crucial issues to be studied in the future.
               What Does Software Engineering Do?
               Software engineering is the discipline of producing software to meet customer needs with the highest quality feasible given resource constraints. It is concerned with the ways in which people conduct their work activities and apply technology to produce and maintain software products and software-intensive systems. Issues of concern include specification, design, implementation,verification, validation, and evolution of software artifacts. Related topics include software metrics, project management, configuration management, quality assurance, peer reviews, risk management, and process improvement. Software engineering is essential for anyone working in development, maintenance, management, or related areas in a software organization.
               Software development currently suffers from 3 major deficiencies: (1) software engineering principles and practices, which should be the backbone of the software development life cycle are not fully accepted and followed by academia or industry; (2) straightforward, well established, and universally accepted design standards are lacking for the software development process and for representation of both process and product; and (3) the software development process is empirical in nature and not yet predicated on easily quantified and confirmed mathematical models. The effect of these and other deficiencies has been amplified by the rapid growth in the volume of software being produced and the almost exponential increase in the complexity of the problems now being solved with software. In spite of the need for a strongly structured approach to software's development, in many organizations software development is still basically a freestyle event.
               There may be other deficiencies in the software development process, the three that have been cited above are the root cause of many failed software developments. We cannot offer a"silver bullet", but we do, however, can offer the reader, interested in entering the software development field, a realistic preparation for the new software engineering environment.
               The overall objective of software engineering is to give the reader a sense of the flow of events in an integrated system and software development effort, and appreciation for and understanding of the software engineer's role in the system development process, and a comprehensive preparation for assuming responsibilities of a software engineer. We have also defined the following five fundamental objectives for the topic: (1) motivating readers with limited application experience by using realistic examples from recent experience and examining future directions for the discipline; (2) organizing and presenting material in such a way that the experienced practitioner will find it an accurate portrayal of the real world of software development; (3) developing a bridge from theory to practice in specific topics of interest to software engineers; (4) providing an algorithmic approach to each task or process carried out by a software engineer; and (5) providing a firm foundation upon which the reader can build.
                What is Multimedia?
               The world of multimedia is thriving with the growth of Internet and other new technologies, offering a range of new directions for people who just aren't satisfied with plain old text and images. But what exactly is multimedia? Multimedia has many definitions depending upon whom you ask. A standard definition follows: Multimedia is any combination of text, graphic art, sound, animation, and video delivered to you by computer or other electronic means.
               Multimedia has not been feasible until recently because computers have not been able to deliver an integrated package at an affordable price. In 1975 the first personal computers were marketed with low processor power, black and green text-only screens. By 1980 the addition of hard disk storage and simple graphics was seen. By 1987 we saw the capability to display color, more advanced graphics, sounds, and animation. In 1995 we have the capability to integrate digital video, sounds, animation and text into one hardware and software package. There is increasing emphasis on communications capabilities and sharing information over networks such as the Internet. Multimedia is made possible and affordable today because of increases in storage and speed and decreases in size and cost; this yields an increase in performance and availability.
               Interactivity is amount of control the user has over the presentation of information."Interactive multimedia"refers to multimedia that allows for user control. The three most common classifications of interactive are:
               (1) linear presentation: A linear presentation is one in which the author decides the sequence and manner in which information is presented. The user controls only the pace.
               (2) programmed branching program: A programmed branching program is one in which the user has some control over the sequence of presentation by selecting from a group of choices such as from a main menu. The author still maintains the control of deciding what to include in the choices available at any point in the program.
               (3) hypermedia: Hypermedia can be thought of as a web of interrelated information in whichthe user is in almost complete control of the pace, sequence and content of the presentation. Links provide for random access of information.
                The Definition of Computer Network
               There are many definitions of what the computer networks are. The definitions starting with phrase of the system of linked computers are misled because you could make a network without the linked computers. This network is characterized by people running back and forth between computers with floppy disks in their hands. Under this network, the computers are not linked physically but they still communicate data each other. Therefore, I would like to define it as follows: the computer network is the communication of data from one computer to one or more computers by any means such as people, wires, cables, or a telecommunications system.
               In the early 1980s, personal computer was developed with the concept of independent operation. With personal computer on your desktop, you could enter the information yourself, manipulate it, and produce the report you really wanted. While personal computer had become more powerful and applications for the computers included simple spreadsheet, databases, and word processors, the market for the computers exploded. So, many hardware and software venders joined in the market and it resulted competition.
               The competition pressed intense technological development, which led to increased power on the desktop and lower prices.Small businesses inDesktop computers were soon outperforming older, slowermainframe. Small businesses in particular were able to benefit from information management services that, a few years earlier, had been available only to wealthy corporations.
               For all its speed and power, the desktop computing environment had a difficulty in communicating among the users as computing information had became large and complicated.However, business information is useful only when it is communicated between human beings.The obvious solution was to link the desktop computers together. So, the idea of a Local Area Network (LAN) was developed.
               A local area network (LAN) is the communication of a number of computers by cable connecting to each one in a single location, usually a single floor of a building or all the computers in a small company. LANs may be contrasted with wide area networks (WANs). Stated simply, WANs are the communication between LANs by telephone lines leased from the various telephone companies, satellite links, packet radio, or microwave transceivers. The Internet has emerged as both the largest and the least expensive WAN in the world. Many companies take advantage of it now by forming private WANs, known as VPNs, or Virtual Private Networks, through encrypted communications over the Internet.
                What Does Network Administrator Do?
               Network administrator has full rights and permissions to all resources on a network. The administrator is usually responsible for installing, managing, and controlling servers and networking components. Administrators can also modify the properties of user accounts and the membership of groups, create and manage printers, install printers, share resources and assign permissions to those resources. Database administrator is responsible for programming and maintaining a large multi-relational database in a networked environment and facilitating direct access to the database by individuals on the network. Workgroup manager is responsible for solving problems, implementing standards and solutions, reviewing performance, and facilitating the efficiency of a specific group of individuals who are connected to larger network environment. Support staff is responsible for providing technical assistance to the system administrator in large complex network environments, and providing routine problem-solving and spot training to end-users. Maintenance contractor is responsible for hardware repairs and upgrades. Webmaster is responsible for implementing and maintaining the content and style of the company's Internet site, keeping the information accurate, up-to-date, and interesting.
               The development of network technology is continuous up to present. The benefits of computer network are as follows:
               .Sharing information: the computer can help you centralize the information and maintain control over it if you select one computer to store the shared information and have all other computers reference the information on that computer over the network.
               .Sharing hardware resources: a network allows anyone connected to the network to use printers, fax/modem, scanners, tape backup units or almost any other device that can be attached to a computer.
               .Sharing software resources: administrator can centrally install and configure the software and also restrict access to the software. It is easier than doing it on every one of the computers in an organization.
               .Preserving information: a network also allows for information to be backed up to a central location. It is difficult to maintain regular backups on a number of stand-alone computers so important information can be lost easily by mistake or by accident.
               .Protecting information: a network provides a more secure environment for a company's important information than stand-alone computers. Networks provide an additional layer of security by way of passwords.
               .Electronic-mail (E-mail): the computer network can also help people communicate by E-mail.You can attach electronic documents to mail message like photo, sound and video clip.
                OSI Reference Model
               The OSI reference model, sometimes also called ISO or 7 layers reference model for communication, has been developed by the International Standards Organization in early 1980's.Hence the interchangeable terms OSI/ISO Reference Model. This model describes the principles for interconnection of computer systems in an Open System Interconnection environment. So, it is an idealized model of the logical connections that must occur in order for network communication.Most protocol suites, such as TCP/IP, DECnet, and Systems Network Architecture (SNA), map loosely to the OSI reference model. The OSI model is not a protocol but it is good for understanding how various protocols within a protocol suite function and interact. But what does it really mean"Open System Interconnection"? The general principle which leads to the definition of the OSI standard was to allow connection and communication between any computer systems(from any vendors) as long as they comply with this"OPEN"standard.
               The Birth of APRANET
               Most communication techniques have been developed and evolved for military purposes. The military has always put a priority on improving communication capabilities because of their strategic importance. Telegraph, telephone, radio and satellite were invented for the purpose of immediate and efficient communication in wartime. In a similar manner, we can also trace the origin of the Internet from defense purposes. The concept of the Internet was born in the Cold War period, due to the tension between the United States and the Soviet Union. The aim was to develop a decentralized network to keep critical information flowing in case of nuclear war.
               In the early 1960's the U.S. Department of Defense was concerned about the fact that the nation's communication networks could not withstand a nuclear attack from the Soviet Union. To surpass the Soviets in communication technology, the development of a new communication system was urgently required. RAND, which was the military sponsored research institute, suggested the concept of a network that would have no central control for the communication system. As a result, the Department of Defense's Advanced Projects Research Agency (DAPRA)commissioned some research institutes such as BBN (Bolt Beranek and Neumann Corp.) to develop the new communication system. This led to the birth of the first computer network system, called APRANET (Advanced Research Projects Agency Network). In 1969 the first IMPs was installed at UCLA and the initial communication was successful. This event implied the birth of one of the most revolutionary communication tools.
               在20世纪60年代早期,美国国防部就在关注着一个事实——国家的通信网络不能抵御来自苏联的核攻击。为了要在通信技术方面超越苏联,急需开发一个新的通信系统。RAND,一个军事资助的研究学会,提出了一个在通信系统中没有中央控制的网络观念。结果,美国国防部高级计划研究署(DAPRA)委托一些研究机构(例如BBN Bolt Beranek和Neumann公司)开发了这个新的通信系统。这导致了第一个计算机网络系统的诞生,称作APRANET(高级计划研究署网)。在1969年,第一台集成微处理机被安装在加利福尼亚大学洛杉矶分校,而且首次通信就获得了成功。这一事件意味着一种最具革命性的通信工具的诞生。
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